Plan of Action
  • Art direction
  • Worldbuilding
  • Skeletal writing
  • Mechanics
  • Content
Ah! Get me out of here!!

Leatherbound is the work in progress name of a work in progress game that I, believe it or not, am making progress towards working on. I've never actually tackled a proper gamedev project, so this is going to be a bit of an experience. I think, in order to get as much out of it as possible, I'm going to create a devlog series- maybe here, or maybe on a youtube channel. Either way, this will be the game's true home on the web once it's all done.

The premise of the game is simple(-ish): it's like a cross between old Zelda and old Mario. Travelling from location to location will not be plagued with randoom encounters like Zelda 2- instead, you will have to play through a platforming level to reach your destination. The level is dependant on the route you choose to traverse. If the path from point A to point B is forested, you will play a forest-themed level. If the path is long and goes through the mountains, the platforming level will be long and difficult. Each type of terrain will also determine the types of items, power ups, and secrets each level holds. All of this will combine into a platforming game with much more strategy and variety in its world map, with plenty of adventure/worldbuilding aspects to get captivated by thanks to the non-level locations. I'm also gonna pay a lot of attention to art direction. I'll probably base the style off of NES graphics, but I'm not too sure yet.

Well, I talked a big game, didn't I? In reality, I know it probably won't come out according to plan. But the point is that I'm going to try- and whether I fail or not, this experience will teach me what it's like to develop a game, and it'll give me the skills to do so. And who knows- maybe now that I've got this website to hold me accountable, I'll actually follow through, and we'll get a proper, enjoyable result out of this!


World map coming soon! I have several concepts so far. They all involve varied climates and strange fantasy races and cultures. With fantasy cultures, of course, come fantasy languages. I plan to make 3 basic conlangs (stoneside scrawl, stranger’s banter, woodland muttering), for worlbuilding, flavor, and puzzle purposes. I can't not do it- conlangs are my addiction, and I plan to make ample use of them. In general though, I'll use a soft touch when it comes to worldbuilding, and take a more Zelda-like approach of leaving things up to interpretation. Fleshing out every little detail would be a whole lot of work for such a simple project.